Party wall

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Party Wall

A party wall is a wall built to divide two adjoining buildings.

Overview :

You’ll need to see that a party wall notice is served to relevant neighbours if you intend to build anything within 3 metres of your shared property line, or if you intend to use an existing party wall for any structural purpose. We serve London and surrounding areas.

It is often advisable to speak to your neighbours about this kind of thing before you submit for planning permission because doing so can make planning permission easier to achieve. It will also make getting the party wall agreement completed easier. In any case, it should be served a full 2 months before any work is to begin.

A party wall notice typically includes a draft of the party wall agreement. This agreement addresses whether and how your builders will be able to access your neighbour’s land and where the boundary walls will be placed.
Once you have served a party wall notice, your neighbours will have 14 days to respond. They may sign the ‘positive’ option on the party wall agreement, agreeing to the terms therein. However, they may refuse or sign the negative option.

Note: that even if they do not sign the agreement, your neighbours cannot simply prevent you from carrying out building works. If they refuse the agreement a surveyor must instead carry out a ‘schedule of condition, which will outline how summit and your chosen contractor can carry out the work in complete safety. It must also show how any loss or damage to your neighbour through the building works will be mitigated.


If you wish to undertake any building work on or near a party wall or dig below the wall near the foundations of your neighbour’s property, you must inform them in writing with a party wall notice (you can of course notify them verbally first of course as well) and provide a minimum of 2 months’ notice of your intentions. You must then create a party wall agreement together in writing.